The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, as the metropolitan planning organization for the Baltimore region, has put together a list of transportation projects for the coming two decades.  An overview is below.  

Long Term Investments 

Resilience 2050: Adapting to the Challenges of TomorrowEvery four years, the BRTB develops a long-term plan for transportation investments. The 2023 plan is called Resilience 2050: Adapting to the Challenges of Tomorrow.  Resilience is necessary for the ongoing performance of our transportation system, our environment, our economy and our livelihoods.

This $70 billion plan includes investments supporting the operation and preservation of our transportation system along with details on transit, bicycle, pedestrian, roadway, and interchange projects that may receive federal funding for the years 2028 through 2050.  Many of these projects expand roadway or transit capacity, while others help our transportation system to function more efficiently or seek to preserve existing transportation infrastructure. 

Please view Resilience 2050 through the BRTB’s interactive map or check out our story map.  Resilience 2050 is also available in PDF format for download:

Download Resilience 2050    |     Executive Summary     |     ES Spanish

Chapter 1: Requirements & Policies  

Chapter 2: Regional Growth, Forecasting and Demographic Trends

Chapter 3: Factors and Trends     |     Chapter 4: Regional Goals and Strategies

Chapter 5: Regional Performance Measures and Targets and System Performance Report

Chapter 6: Financial Plan     |     Chapter 7: Resilience 2050 Major Capital Projects

Appendix A: Glossary     |     Appendix B: Cost Estimation, Project Evaluation and Scoring

Appendix B:  Detailed Scoring New!

Appendix C: Evaluating Potential Effects of Projects     |     Appendix D: Congestion Management

Appendix E: Public Outreach and Engagement

Short Term Investments 

2024-2027 Transportation Improvement ProgramEvery year the BRTB develops a short term plan called the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This year's TIP covers the years 2024 through 2027 and includes $4.24 billion in funding for 143 transportation projects, 13 of which are new to this year’s TIP. Check out projects from each jurisdiction and a range of state agencies. Project listings cover system preservation, system operations and system expansion. 

Please view the 2024-2027 TIP through the BRTB’s interactive TIP map or our story map.  The 2024-2027 TIP is also available in PDF format for download:

Download 2024-2027 TIP

Introduction and Background     |     Financial Plan

 Projects by Jurisdiction: Environmental Justice

Anne Arundel County     |     Baltimore City     |    Baltimore County

Carroll County     |     Harford County     |     Howard County

MDOT MD Port Administration     |    MDOT MD Transit Administration

MDOT MD Transportation Authority      |     Office of Sec and MD Highway Administration 



Air Quality Assessment

Conformity DeterminationAlong with the transportation project list, we conduct an air quality assessment also known as the conformity determination. The assessment is required because the Baltimore region does not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone. The region must review its transportation plans and programs to ensure conformity with the mobile emissions budgets as determined in the region’s State Implementation Plan (SIP).  

The Conformity Determination report details a comprehensive analysis of the Baltimore region mobile source emissions as a result of implementing the 2024-2027 TIP and Resilience 2050. The report addresses mobile source emissions of VOC and NOx, which are precursors of ground-level ozone.

Staff from BMC and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) used the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) 3 model, developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to analyze the amount of mobile source emissions generated from vehicle travel associated with the implementation of the projects in the TIP and Resilence 2050

Please view the Conformity Determination which is available in PDF format for download. 

Download Conformity Determination     |     Appendices


Want to know more? Join us at one of our public meetings (see the meetings tab above for a list of meetings) or visit the share your thoughts tab to find out how to add a comment or question, 

Don't have time for a meeting?  Take a look at our story map to learn more: 

Resilience 2050 and TIP story map

Project Ideas Submitted

BRTB members identified projects throughout the region that they’d like to be considered for inclusion in Resilience 2050 and the 2024-2027 TIP.  Staff verified project goals and costs. 

Prioritization and Scoring

For Resilience 2050, BRTB members contribute the policy score and BMC staff conduct an analysis for the technical score. The combined scores help determine which projects should be included in the draft plan. For the TIP, projects are prioritized based on available funding and how projects contribute to long-range plan goals. 

Draft Preferred Alternative

For Resilience 2050, following the analysis, projects were selected to include in a draft plan, also known as the preferred alternative.  


Analysis of projects

For Resilience 2050, project sponsors provide a policy score and staff provide a technical score. The analysis included an environmental justice review, congestion and bottlenecks, as well as air quality and technical modeling.


Public Comment Period

The public is invited to participate in a review of the draft Resilience 2050, the draft 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the Air Quality Conformity. Comments are welcome from Wednesday, May 17 through Tuesday, June 20, 2023.


BRTB Reviews and Responds to Comments

We take your feedback seriously and will review and respond to all comments received. 


BRTB Votes

The BRTB is scheduled to vote on Resilience 2050, 2024-2027 TIP and Air Quality Conformity on Tuesday, July 25, 2023.